Saturday, June 20, 2009

Improving Your Relationship with Your Roommate

Are you living with a roommate now? Is your experience living with this person less than stellar?
Want to know some ways to improve your relationship with your roommate?

Well, first of, think positively and be nice. When you're nice, you're bound to have better results! Discuss the basics. Are you going to share food or buy your food separately? Who will be responsible for doing the dishes and taking out the trash? Should you switch off? Who is going to pay what bills? How will you buy common items such as paper towels, aluminum foil, dish soap etc. These may seem like small and insignificant things, but they can really begin to damage a friendship with someone once you start living together!

Approach your roommate and tell him/her that you would like to spend more quality time together. For instance, suggest that once a week one of you will be responsible for making dinner. If it's your turn, you are responsible for getting the ingredients and making the meal. Ask your roommate the weekend before what days he/she has open the following week. This is a great way to make sure you spend time together even if you're extremely busy!

Be respectful. You are living there together. You have rights to the house/apartment/dorm, just like he/she does. If your roommate is taking up too much space, or is having friends over too much, or is doing something else that you don't enjoy, Talk to him/her. Don't assume that he/she knows how you feel.

Finding a good roommate is not that an easy task. But looking for a roommate at website will surely help you to find the right one.

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